Projects setup
2007-10-13 07:58:20 UTC
Hi everybody,

This is a call for help adding substance to a few 3D models I have made, namely, the Northrop F-20, the MiG-21F13 and the F-14 Tomcat. (see the following post : http://www.flightgear.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=542)

What I have done is a blender model for each aircraft. As far as I am concerned I am willing to complete the animations and make textures for the F-14 (VF-11) and the Tigershark (red and white demo). I can also use my Su-26 dummy to put the pilots in the I already have a texture set for the MiG-21 made for thridwire's SF:P1 (Since I started the MiG-21 and tigershark for this simulator), but I would need the authorisation from its author (Sundowner) before releasing it.

So what is needed :
- 2D or 3D cockpits
- Flight Dynamics
- Extra textures
- Sounds
- Systems simulation

I tend to be looking for high detail in systems (being aeronautical engineer and liking the kind of engine start sequence you find in PMDG products ;) ) but I would fully support any effort that would put simple systems for a start.

Once I am done with the texturing and animations (plus a very crude YaSim FDM if needed) I will provide the package to people willing to contribute.

Feel free to post a reply if you are interested in one of those projects (Alexis & AJM have already expressed their interest and I'd like to thank them for that)

BTW I also remember I have a 3D spit MkIX on my hard drive that may be worth mating to current cockpits ;)


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