Hi, Bob refers to the newest version of the old IL-2 Sturmovik combat flight sim. The same
development team released Cliffs of Dover (formerly known as Battle of Britain), after many years
of delay. I don't have the new game, but judging from the the old IL-2 history, it is clear that the
Russian developers have got other priorities than optimizing their SW onto the latest PC
platforms. Their main priority is to get the simulation of old aircraft and their weapon systems to
the maximum detail. which is a great challenege, considering that many of those aircraft don't
exist anymore, their documentation is limited, and the eyewitness accounts are conflicting. This
was the main reason for a delay up to 5 years, and everything else was 2nd priority. Maybe
visuals (e.g., weather, aircraft shadows etc) was 2nd prio and then everything else was 10th....
Post by Curtis OlsonHi Bob,
I know absolutely nothing about the particular game you are referring too,
but often, titles are built around existing game/graphic engines that some
other company or organization has written. The end result is that it's the
outsourced graphics/game engine that really determines what can or can't be
done (support for multiople-cores, 64bit, various effects, etc.)
A few years ago, FlightGear transitioned to Open-Scene-Graph for our
graphics engine and that supports many of the things you mention. So
FlightGear supports those things, not so much because of how we coded
FlightGear, but more because the underlying graphics engine we chose
supports these things.
One other thing I'll say from my FlightGear experience is that every once in
a while we run up against a machine that just won't run FlightGear. Even
though by specs and drivers it should, it just doesn't. It could be
hardware flaking out, or operating system issues, or accumulated cruft in
the end users system, spyware/malware, or who knows just what or why?
If you are having stability problem on your machine with this other piece of
software, it might be worth trying the software on a different PC,
preferably something that is pretty stock and pretty up to date. You might
be able to verify if it's just your machine or if these problems are
universal. You might also try contacting the company, or you might try
googling. Many companies offer support forums where users can help each
I just recently purchased a piece of software --- I'm not even going to say
the name, most people probably wouldn't have heard of it anyway, some people
will know what it is and then I'd have to hang my head in shame. No it's
not FSX and it's not X-Plane in case you were wondering :-)
Anyway, the point I'm getting to is that I hit a couple problems with this
piece of software out of the starting gate, but I was able to google and
find some solutions on a forum and now I'm pretty happy with how it's
running. Sometimes it just takes some persistence and sluething to work
through the issues to get to where you want to be.
And for what it's worth, I'd like to keep the discussion here positive and
relevant to FlightGear. It sounds like you have some frustrations with this
other piece of software, but I'm sure there are many better places to follow
up on that. I don't want to get into bashing anyone else's software here.
Best regards,
Post by Bob OGreetings Gentlemen.
I have known about FG for years and have even tried it :) and I Respect all
the work you guys have done...but i am sending this e-mail in hopes that you
(the folks who code this game) might be able to answer a question pertains
to another game that has just been relesed (cliffs of Dover).
My question is not about the game itself really but more about Game
1.No true multicore support
2.No SLI/XFIRE support
3.No 64bit Code
5.No True full screen (atleast on that works right)
6.it seems to have been written in C# and requires .NET
The game was almost crippled right out of the gate...bad FPS on high end
systems and microstutters that just wont go away and crashes and .net
(launcher errors)..etc etc
Should a game that has been under development for over 6 years and released
in 2011 look like the list above?
i am sorry if this is a naive question but any Response would be appreciated.
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